Thursday, January 1, 2009


I figured I'd start down the road toward my '09 goals as I sit here on my parent's couch in constant state of Holiday food coma, since publishing this entry is a small beginning to some of those previously mentioned goals.

This will be the home of captured thoughts as I venture toward my first full Ironman. On Sunday, August 30th, 2009 I hope to be adjusting my goggles, calming nerves, saying a little prayer and towing the cold wet line with 2500 of my closest friends at the start of the Subaru Ironman Canada.

Much of this blog will be dedicated to this specific goal, at least until September, but it won't be entirely Ironman, I'll throw out the disclaimer now as I'm sure through out the year there will be a fair share of "random" amongst my training and other adventures leading up to this somewhat insane endeavor I've put myself into.

I suppose now I should find a bike......

1 comment:

  1. some people like to resolve to lose a few pounds or lower their cholesterol. But you've decided to do an Ironman. No, that's cool. I like being inferior.

    Seriously, congrats. I hope you stick to it. Just remember...Canadians have rabies.
