Monday, March 16, 2009


As I sit here, drunk on pool water and looking back on a good week of training and my first 50 mile bike of the year I am constantly reminded of the opportunity in front of me.  It's ever so apparent that, if I can manage to heed the words of a very wise woman and stay quiet just long enough, I might just find that that true message, that insight into who I am.

It's something that I struggle with as my brain is always on....and, not necessarily ON what it's supposed to be on.  I'm constantly wondering is this right? Is that right? Where am I supposed to be, what am I supposed to be doing? I feel like I'm supposed to be great but I have no idea what I'm going to be great at. I want to love something, I want someone to love me. Who could love me? Well, other than the Mother, Father, Sister, HAVE to love me.  Will I find what I'm looking for? Will I know it when I do? Have I found it?

See, that's exactly what I mean.  

50 miles on a bike, 8 miles on the road with one foot in front of the other, the attempts to "slip" through the water quickly past the water aerobic girls has a funny way of shutting things off. And there, in the "off" position do you finally find some insight.  You can go only so long with the attempts at figuring out proper peddling technique or tackling that work issue before silence, rhythmic and defining silence. The hard part is getting there.

So, as I look down the barrel of the next week of training, my first swim in the books and my first 65 mile bike coming into view I take pause and a breath and look forward.

until next time...


  1. I just showed up in Crazytown and you're the mayor! I'm all too familiar with how busy your brain is, but maybe that's the problem -- all brain, not enough heart. You clearly have the heart to train in earnest for this RIDICULOUS physical feat. But you didn't know it until you got your brain out of the way. Try doing that with other things and you WILL be great! I think you're great anyway though.

  2. Wait, so you're saying I need to spend sometime on someone's couch?
